Growing up, I was told by my teachers that one of the reasons I was studying certain subjects was because I needed to get a job that had great job security – a career, some people call it.
Well, I think those days were over before I even entered the workforce.
Does job security exist anymore? Probably not to the degree we wish it did.
Depending on what you read, you’ll find that the average American now has somewhere between seven and fourteen jobs over the course of their lifetime. That’s a lot of jobs, people!
And should I even mention the economy? Yeah, why not! Businesses are hardly hiring at the moment (and many of them are firing or letting go of employees).
But is it all gloom and doom? No, not really.
See, rising out of the ashes of obliterated businesses are those who are looking to start something new. You’ll find freelancers and entrepreneurs popping up everywhere. Why? They’re starting to see the value in working for themselves and are realizing that the job security that major corporations provided in the old days isn’t looking so secure anymore.
Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. – Helen Keller
I think Helen Keller was on to something. Now, will I not take measures to protect my family because security might be a superstition? Of course not. But I do think Helen realized that there are so many variables that can harm us, it’s silly not to have a “daring adventure” because of fear.
We can apply this concept to our work. I’m convinced that job security doesn’t really exist to the degree it once did, as employees everywhere are not immune to lay offs . . . from the largest corporation on down.
So where can we find security?
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. – Psalm 18:2 NIV
We find security in God. But what kind of security? Certainly, we’re going to have trouble in this world. The kind of security we have as believers in Christ is security for our souls. One day we’ll be in Heaven, and all of the turmoil we’re going through here on earth will seem as if it were a dream.
I remember in college talking to a professor about a grade I wasn’t pleased with. As we walked together, he looked at me and said, “John, I don’t think you’ll care about this grade in a year – it won’t matter.” And he was right. In fact, I got over it a few days later, and it certainly didn’t affect my job aspirations.
I imagine that it will be similar situation when we enter the presence of God. Will the lack of job security here on earth really matter when we enter the eternal abundance of Heaven? Uh, nope!
It’s okay to chase after a certain level of job security, but don’t let it keep you from finding a new job or taking a reasonable risk. Let God be your rock.
Do you think that job security exists? Leave a comment and let’s continue the discussion.