Should You Pay Your Taxes?
Business owners often find themselves with opportunities to, well, not pay their taxes. Maybe life gets busy and they forget to pay their quarterlies. Or perhaps they postpone paying their taxes...
View Article3 Things God Requires of Us Financially
One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible comes from the Old Testament book of Micah. Micah was a prophet who lived around the time of the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel. He was warning Judah...
View ArticleWill God Take Care of All Your Needs?
This is a question with which many Christians struggle. Should we wait for a job to come along or should we create our own? Should we wait for a spouse or actively go out and date? Should we hope that...
View ArticleIs Being Proud of Your Wealth Okay?
Perhaps you’ve built a great business. Or maybe you’ve received an inheritance. You might even have a wonderful employer who pays really well. Is it okay to be proud of what you accomplished? Is it...
View ArticleIs the Prosperity Gospel Biblical?
Does God want you to be healthy and successful? Does God want his people to be wealthy? Is one of the benefits of following Christ knowing that God will bless our efforts if we have sufficient faith?...
View ArticleDoes Job Security Exist Anymore?
Growing up, I was told by my teachers that one of the reasons I was studying certain subjects was because I needed to get a job that had great job security – a career, some people call it. Well, I...
View ArticleIs Work a Form of Worship?
It’s easy to see prayer, church attendance, fellowship, mission work and financial giving as forms of worship. But work? It seems like a bit of a stretch at first glance, but something about that idea...
View ArticleWhat is Love, Really?
Love is important. Sometimes our culture gets in the way of the true meaning of love, so let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say about it. Don’t rush though this, let each line soak into your...
View ArticleHow to Not be Paralyzed by Fear, Worry and Anxiety
It’s difficult to live life without fear, worry or anxiety. Each of us experience them from time to time, the only real variable is the frequency and how deeply we feel them. Some people are better at...
View ArticleShould Christians Think Time is Only Money?
A couple hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin’s advice to young tradesmen was “time is money.” He was referring to the time it takes to perfect a skill and the reward of investing in your business....
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